All About Presidents: Activities for Kids

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presidents activities for kids

President’s Day is the third Monday in February. This is a great time to teach students about positive character traits and leaders from U.S. history. In this post, I have listed out some of my favorite presidents activities for kids.

Fact Cards

A hands-on activity that gets students engaged is task cards. They are quick to make, and students love being able to move around the room. These fact cards are in my Presidents’ Day Activity Pack. There are 20 facts about different presidents and a question sheet for the students to fill out as they walk around the room. 


President timeline activity for kids

Timelines are another fun Presidents’ Day activity for kids. In our class library, I set aside a bucket of picture books about Presidents. My students pick a book that they are interested in reading and fill out the timeline activity. Once they finish a timeline, I have them share it with a friend, and we hang them up in our room.


Presidents Day Facts Research brochure

Also included in my Presidents’ Day Activity Pack, are blank brochures students can fill out while reading books about presidents. Brochures work great in a technology center. Your class can use a computer to research additional facts to complete the brochures during free time.

Research Projects About Presidents

US Presidents Day Research project for kids

If you are looking to spend more time than a day to talk about U.S. Presidents, have your students complete a research project. Assign each student in your class a president. Have them collect facts by using books, websites, or videos. When they have completed their research, your class can teach each other about the different presidents.


US Presidents Day Research flipbook for kids 2nd grade government activities

Flipbooks are a great way to asses what students have learned. They make a great end of the unit activity to sum up everything we have gone over. Flipbooks are also a favorite of mine because I don’t have to cut anything! All you have to do is print double-sided and staple together.

Save Time: Yearly Curriculum Roadmap

free 2nd grade social studies curriculum roadmap overview email opt-in

Hopefully, you were able to gather some fun presidents activities for kids. If you would like a copy of my President Activities, you can grab them in my shop. I also created a free yearly overview for social studies, which makes planning stress-free. Make sure to grab a copy to help simplify your lesson planning.

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