Teaching Goods and Services: Simple and Time-Saving Activities

What Do Second Graders Need to Learn?
Do you know what is truly priceless? The feeling of true satisfaction when you have aligned engaging lessons to your state implemented standards. (Win-Win!) But you may be wondering, what exactly do second graders need to learn in terms of economics? Well, I’m so glad you asked! On this list is teaching goods and services to kids. Here is quick list of some goods and services activities for kids to help you add to your economics lesson plans.
First of all, students in second grade need to know the meaning of both goods and services. I simply explain to my students that goods are things that people either buy or keep, while services are jobs that you pay someone else to do. Little learners also need to understand that service workers help our community and make life easier for the community.
Teaching Goods and Services: Introduce the Topic with Vocabulary
Next, I love to introduce the topic to my students with vocabulary. This is the foundation of understanding for children at this grade level. So I focus heavily on introducing and reviewing terms such as goods, services, needs, wants, saving, spending, jobs, and money. This is the perfect place to begin.
Use Books And Non-Fiction Readers

One of the most relatable learning methods for little learners is with picture books. Picture books and even non-fiction informational readers are a great way to ensure students are learning about economics in an age-appropriate manner. Some of my personal favorites include Frannie’s Fruits by Leslie Kimmelman, General store by Rachel Field, and A New Coat for Anna by Harriet Ziefert.
Make a List of Favorite Goods

Most importantly, make sure that students feel engaged and plugged into learning. Gather students together as a collaborative community and create a class anchor chart, poster, or even a list on your board. Give students a sticky note or have them write a list of their favorite goods. Students LOVE the opportunity to share their ideas and converse with their peers.
This is the perfect opportunity while also teaching about goods and services. Here are some of my favorite activities for teaching littles about goods and services! The best part is that whether you are teaching in person or virtually, I have you covered! And maybe you are teaching hybrid! Grab my favorite activity bundle here.
Brainstorm Community Ideas

Now, your kiddos are ready for the next step! Engage them again, allowing them to brainstorm community ideas. Use my activities sheets here, for students to brainstorm community workers and how they help out. I love seeing the adorable answers that my students come up with it!
Practice Sorting Goods and Services

I love any opportunity to combine skills into my lessons. Now more than ever, students need continued fine motor skills and practicing with scissors. Students will cut and sort goods and services and practice identifying the difference between the two. Students can cut, sort, and store or glue in their notebooks to review again and again! I love this hands-on method, plus what student doesn’t love the opportunity to use scissors.
Free Social Studies Curriculum Pacing Guide

Who doesn’t love saving money! Grab a FREE Social Studies Curriculum Pacing Guide HERE. Easily map out your entire social studies curriculum for the whole school year! Grab it now and be prepared.
MORE Teaching Goods and Services Activities for Kids
For easy goods and services activities for kids the activities in this post are from my goods and services worksheet pack.

Click HERE for the printable unit and HERE for the digital version. OR save money by purchasing the paper and digital bundle HERE.
Also, be sure to save this post by pinning this to your Pinterest account. That way, you can easily come back to these ideas when you are ready to teach your class about goods and services.

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