Elementary Teaching Blog and More

A Teaching Blog and More
Hi! I am Sarah Price! First, thanks for checking out my blog. I am the teacher-author behind Priceless Ponderings. If you follow me on Instagram or Teachers Pay Teachers you may have caught a glimpse of my new logo and blog design! This is mainly a teaching blog, but I love to share about mom and toddler life too.
Blog Designer
Becca from Jumping Jax Design created my logo and blog for me. Seriously, she is the best! I have always admired her creativity and designs. So, when I finally made the decision to start a new teaching blog, I knew I had to buy from her.
A Little About Me

When I first started teaching, I worked for a title 1 school that lacked a lot of resources. Honestly, one of my saving graces was reading other teaching blogs to gather ideas and inspiration to use in my class. Now that I have had time to figure out what works for me and my students, I am excited to share my ideas with you and start a blog myself! This space is intended to show you glimpses of my classroom, products and a little bit of mom life.
My Truth About Teaching
Teaching has been a labor of love. There are good days, and then some days where the best part about my job is that my chair spins. As of right now, I am currently teaching first grade for a small private school in Texas. I love who I share my room with and wouldn’t have it any other way.

This piece of the internet will be a place where I get to share with you my teaching ideas, picture books I love, the resources I use and occasionally mini pigs. Yes, mini pigs. 🙂